Tuesday, April 28, 2009

EXP 2 - 36 textures + progress img

36Custom Textures

Progress Photo



Sunday, April 26, 2009

EXP 2 - Draft model updated

  • Size of the space is significantly reduced
  • Idea changed for the material.
  • Lighting added
  • The shape of the cross now has wider angle.

EXP 2 - 9 Sketches + Drafts

9 parallel projections sketches:
(with opposite views of each)


Independent studies:
Unreal Tournament modeling for 2 selected axo sketches...


Draft/developing model

Exterior space: on Nobel's quote about hidden truth

Glance out to see a wall blocking your viewpoint.

Imagine a ramp going outwards, reaching to that wall, and then there are 2 paths - left and right.

The left one goes around the side,

and you see this:

If you take the right one,

you come around from the side & you see this:

The front of the 'hidden truth'!


Interior: on Costeau's quote about symmetry of nature...

Every part of the interior WILL be symmetrical, and textures will be based on nature.


(there are irrelevant parts on the drawings eg info and dolls.. please excuse me for that..)

I drew a lot - seeking for ideas.
These are updated from day to day. (from most recent to less recent)

EXP 2 - 18 Sketches

18 axonometric sketches:

Nobel - on hidden truth...


Costeau - on symmetry of nature...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

EXP 2 - 3 Quotes

Alfred Nobel

"Hope is nature's veil for hiding truth's nakedness."
- http://www.people.ubr.com/education/by-first-name/a/alfred-nobel.aspx


Jacques-Yves Cousteau

"The Symmetry of nature's design is complete..."
- Chapter: The Enchanted River, from "Jacques Cousteau's Amazon Journey" by Jacques-Yves Cousteau and Mose Richards, RD Press 1985

From the study of fish in Amazon, he discovers the amazing balance within the natural environment.


Keith Campbell

"Great aims and hopes is to make animals resistant to disease."
- Internet newscast transcript from channel5belize.com

Thursday, April 2, 2009

EXP1 - Note

Trees in the model are imported from Google Sketchup 7 sample components.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

EXP1 - Week 4 Homework

Final 3 images

Above ground:

What I'm trying to offer here is an explosive connection between pentagon and rectangle. That is similar to how "coca-cola" relates to "non-born child", in a way?
Texture on the ground: "Compact" - well, the square is trapped in a way, never breaks through to a pentagon?
Texture on the wall: "Crystalised" - the most dynamic part of the building ( with lots of spikes ) is actually made up of hundreds of triangular shapes! And oh, don't you think the wall suits it perfectly! The intenseness of the intersections of these triangles are likened to the interweaving aluminium strips on the baby's garment (in Fiona Hall 's artwork).


Through part of the pentagon, I created a hole to go down to the underground, where Tracy Moffatt's artwork is the main theme. The different levels of platforms are also stairs leading you up and down - like waves in the sea! See how nature gives us a warm comfy harmonised feeling?
Texture on leveled platform: "natural" - I thought of Aboriginal art when I drew this texture. I thought their art's main source comes from nature.
Texture on ground: "streamlined" - The pose of the Aboriginese in the artwork gave me this idea. I think this somewhat connects to the waves too.

Sectional cut:

Cut through in the middle - above ground and underground textures give totally different sensations, for they are ideas generated from different artworks.
The stairs on the other hand, are shaped from and around the structure of the building. Since the level above is different to the level under, the size and structures of the stairs are made differently to suit them.
In terms of scale, stairs in the upper level are smaller. They offer much more of a sense of closeness and compact feeling. The words"non-born child" are much related to the consumeristic world, and the glass reflections are, to me, sort of representing the fakeness associated within, so the stairs leading all the way up and through the glass tude, into the the world of unreal - is what it means.
The underground stairs are much larger, mainly because I feel that there is a need in emphasising the openess of the sea and the generosity of Aboriginese people. These 2 possitive qualities, I have to admit, are somehow likened in Tracy Moffatt's artwork.


Youtube videos:


2 Dimentional Section drawings of stairs:

Above ground



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