Sunday, May 10, 2009

EXP3 - Article MashUp

Obama, as the first African-American to ascend to the highest office in the land; Prada, as an unlikely exception in fashion design; and Madonna, a performer who has spent 25 years shocking audiences through her stylistic reinvention, no one would be as different as their metier. There is striking unlikeliness through Prada's bold way of appropriating classic designs from treasures, and Madonna's repackaged fighter look. On the other hand, Obama distinguished himself with promises, embarked on ambitious recovery of the threat from terrorism and economic woes. They proposed aggressive onslaught moving toward deep resonance for their modesty and evolution.

Articles for Barack Hussein Obama (, Miuccia Prada ( and Madonna ( are obtained from The New York Times.


Barack Obama - Unknown, "Barrack Obama", The New York Times,, 7 May 2009

Miuccia Prada - Guy Trebay, "Miuccia Prada", The New York Times,, 7 April 2008

Madonna - Eric Wilson, "Who's That Girl?", The New York Times,, 17 July 2008

Monday, May 4, 2009

EXP 2 - Filefront + Blkbox reflection

Address for model download:


“Why still speak of the real and the virtual, the material and immaterial? Here these categories are not in opposition, or in some metaphysical disagreement, but more in an electroliquid aggregation, enforcing each other, as in a two part adhesive.”

The use of shadow provides a sense of hidden mystery, and it can be particularly effective when used along with a definite, bright colour - because of this contrast, a stronger emphasis on what is hidden actually captures our mind, as the images above show.

My exterior space, esp the ramp around this, relies heavily on the idea of "hidden" and the use of shadow, but there is "truth" - which is bright (- I think of it as yellow and gold - can be Godly, can be painfully blinding...) So there is this mix of bright yellow and gold with the really dark and dull colours, emphasising Nobel's idea of hidden truth.

EXP 2 - The map

The Interior - Jacques-Yves Cousteau:

Texture on the wall: pattern like the water surface
Texture on the tiles on ground: water ripple
- Both textures are inspired from reading Cousteau's book "Jacques Cousteau's Amazon Journey" , where the quote is from. I can see the love of nature in him.


Meeting Place:

Texture on upper roof: complicated interweave
Texture in the middle roof: development before a complicated interweave
Texture in the lowest roof - plain wall texture

The structure of the meeting place is largely based on the 'compression' and 'connection' , the textures are linked to aim to show this.


The Exterior - Alfred Nobel:

Texture on the ramp around the cubical space: beaming lines
- I feel that beaming lines are best in giving a sense of 'truth'. Usually we feel like seeking truth about things (lines running towards a direction) but never close to it.
- In another sense, the lines can be seen as fractures of truth - like inside a crystal prism, you can see the reflections, but never reach it.


Views of the ramp:

(Viewing from the top of the ramp in the meeting place)

(passion - transparent red)

(special feature, two ramps connecting to 'the truth')

(logic - cold blue)

(pathway to truth seeking - I have put in two layers for this part of the ramp: top layer is glass, the one under is normal ground, the lights are in between - progressing from blue to yellow)

(another ramp path - can't see the glass flooring?..)

(transparent view = player view - left side: the outer world, right side: the truth, the blind 'blinds' the outer world from seeing truth directly)

(leading back to the ramp - can't see the glass flooring again, but it exists)

EXP 2 - Electroliquid Aggregation

Alfred Nobel:
"Hope is nature's veil for hiding truth's nakedness."
[What I think he meant is, human is constantly trying to fill their hearts with hope, so that cruel truths existing in reality do not appear too hard for them to bear.]

Jacques-Yves Cousteau:
"The Symmetry of nature's design is complete..."
[On the study of a particular kind of fish in the Amazon river, he realises that nature is feeding living things and living things give back to nature - this interactive exchanging relationship ensures their ongoing existance.]

Just like how the symmetry of nature provides its living things with an ability to survive, 'hope' is the 'symmetry of (human's) nature' to shield us from the cruel 'truth' ( - fear and despair), so we have the courage to live with a smile on our face. But either way, we are to live on, no matter how tough life becomes.