Monday, May 4, 2009

EXP 2 - The map

The Interior - Jacques-Yves Cousteau:

Texture on the wall: pattern like the water surface
Texture on the tiles on ground: water ripple
- Both textures are inspired from reading Cousteau's book "Jacques Cousteau's Amazon Journey" , where the quote is from. I can see the love of nature in him.


Meeting Place:

Texture on upper roof: complicated interweave
Texture in the middle roof: development before a complicated interweave
Texture in the lowest roof - plain wall texture

The structure of the meeting place is largely based on the 'compression' and 'connection' , the textures are linked to aim to show this.


The Exterior - Alfred Nobel:

Texture on the ramp around the cubical space: beaming lines
- I feel that beaming lines are best in giving a sense of 'truth'. Usually we feel like seeking truth about things (lines running towards a direction) but never close to it.
- In another sense, the lines can be seen as fractures of truth - like inside a crystal prism, you can see the reflections, but never reach it.


Views of the ramp:

(Viewing from the top of the ramp in the meeting place)

(passion - transparent red)

(special feature, two ramps connecting to 'the truth')

(logic - cold blue)

(pathway to truth seeking - I have put in two layers for this part of the ramp: top layer is glass, the one under is normal ground, the lights are in between - progressing from blue to yellow)

(another ramp path - can't see the glass flooring?..)

(transparent view = player view - left side: the outer world, right side: the truth, the blind 'blinds' the outer world from seeing truth directly)

(leading back to the ramp - can't see the glass flooring again, but it exists)

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